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patty ihm isn't that enough

 Writer. Hobby Farmer. Mother to Many. 

Goldie Bird

a middle-grade, coming-of-age novel

Available Now

Sometimes, the hardest part of growing up is letting go of the way things used to be.

Book Trailer by Seth Deming of Anomaly Video

Welcome, friends.

I’m Patty Ihm, a writer, former early intervention therapist, and teacher living on a farmette in Illinois. I’m a mother to many: three biological children, six adopted ones, and 18 foster children who have come through our home—some for just a day, and others to stay forever.


I am the author of three published works; Goldie Bird, my debut coming-of-age novel, Isn’t That Enough? Musings of Motherhood and the Meaning of Life, a personal memoir, and

Ode to a Boy, a self-published book dedicated to my now-grown sons. My work has also been featured in Venus Rising: Musings and Lore from Women Writers, a multi-genre anthology by Our Galaxy Publishing. 

Fueled by coffee and the soul-cleansing therapy of the written word, I tend to thirty-something chickens, a mix of hens and roosters, nine beehives, and a thriving garden. In the quiet moments of the day (and sometimes amidst the chaos of life), I find pockets of time to write and share my experiences with others.

patty ihm isn't that enough our galaxy publishing

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